Saturday 22 January 2011

Get in rhythm with your healing hands.

Hands to heal you by creating something to feel good about self and at same time may be to serve others. Be it basic things like cooking a meal or cleaning, working from desk or on site, if you try to bring rhythm to whatever you do you will soon start to realise that you are healing yourself. 
If you find yourself in a position where going gets tough or you feel you can no longer go ahead with it then try some soothing techniques like singing your favourite tune or may be you just like to hum.

Giving rhythm to work sometimes help you to get organised for next task. You don’t need to have guests around to use your favourite cutlery and crockery. Get them out when you feel you need good change. Cook your favourite meal, garnish it with best ingredients you have. Set your table like you would do on those special occasions, play music you like, lit candles, switch on your special room freshener and have your perfect meal.

If your loved one is together its even better, you can make your moment much nicer by using red colours around, be it your tablecloth or napkins or any tableware. If you got kids it adds to your pleasure. You can get them all in one place and have fun filled time together.

When you are done with your meal, clean it all up. Don’t forget to get help from your loved ones to be quicker. Then get on floor and spread out drawing sheets and draw your thoughts. I feel getting on warm floor send positive vibes to your body and mind.  You do not need to be professional painter or creative head of any company to draw using your imaginations. Do not get discouraged if you notice your drawing a complete disaster. Smile you are drawing to feel good and not to put them on sale.
When you feel bit better and you think you are getting in rhythm then get dressed to go out and have a long walk. On your way back collect all those colourful gravels, if you are walking on seashore then collect few sea shells bring them back with you and wash them and decorate them in empty glass bottles or glass bowls as they add on to your home designs.
You can also grab a nice scented flower bouquet and display them in your favourite vase. Try to be creative by baking your own breads, cakes and biscuits. Learn to cook and be prepared to surprise your loved ones or guests. Love what you do.

Notice and appreciate nature around you, take your camera with you if you like to capture things your eyes have seen. Observe little details of what nature has to offer. Smile when you see those little dewdrops on grass, plants and trees. Feel the warm sunlight in you, if you are out in the evenings then sit back to see sunset and observe those birds returning to their nests. Spot those little birds flapping wings to catch up with the speed of their fellow mates.

Places in your home or office where you tend to spend most of your time, try giving it more pleasant look. Use your favourite shades on bed sheets and pillows covers. Give it a rhythm, display things according to its shapes and sizes, most used and least used.
Hold hands of your loved ones, children or friends. Try it as holding hands with another person is a very healing action. Sit down in a quite place need not say a word. Let heart do its job, its very good at passing messages without words when happy or when sad.
Do some gardening, run your fingers on those lovely flowers and fruits, leaves and grass, branches and stems. Once again if you are on seashore build your own sand castles, feel the warmth in the sand, let that warmth travel in your body through skin.

Blow a kiss with your hands to your loved ones and friends when you finished with arguments and getting back home together and wish them good luck raising your thumbs up.

You need not be a part of audience in a show to clap. Clap when you feel happy, clap to show appreciation. Generate a rhythm and clap accordingly. You might soon realise those sounds generated by clapping your hands are one of your favourite tunes.

Don’t forget to massage your hands, legs and face with your favourite massage oil and may be get a back massage from your partner and if you like give warm massages to your loved ones too.

If you find too difficult to do things on your own then get online and watch others getting creative as that can sometimes inspire you and motivate you to do something creative.
Try to always remember our basics. Where we come from and where would we go in the end. Little things bring more happiness and bigger things can sometimes not long last. If we find happiness in little things we would never notice difference of how big things look like.

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